Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Phase II

Phase II ESA typically involves Recognized Environmental Conditions (REC’s) identified during Phase I ESA, which needs to be subsequently addressed or resolved. Before implementing a Phase II ESA, EGS makes sure to understand the goals of the client and project. The scope of work is designed to meet the scrutiny of the various parties involved including lenders, regulators, attorneys, and peers. Phase II studies include the following:

  • Confirming soil contamination from the past and current site usage
  • Confirming groundwater contamination at the site
  • Identifying leaking underground storage or oil tank (LUST)
  • Indoor air quality assessment and testing
  • Vapor intrusion concern/impacts investigation
  • Asbestos testing
  • Lead testing
  • Radon testing
  • Mold testing

Vapors Intrusion Impact

Under the current ASTM E1527-21 Standard, vapor impacts must be considered similar to soil and groundwater impacts. The US EPA and State environmental agencies have developed vapor intrusion guidance documents, and EGS has been assessing vapor concerns during Phase II ESAs and other phases of remedial investigations.

EGS has conducted vapor intrusion (VI) studies under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP’s) Site Remediation Program (SRP) for residential, commercial, and industrial sites as part of the NJDEP’s Immediate Environmental Concern (IEC) program. The VI is to determine contaminant exposure and to identify the source(s) of the vapors due to groundwater contamination, LUST, or nearby Known Contaminated Sites.