Environmental Studies

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), a national policy is to assure all federal agencies, when planning the projects conduct environmental reviews to consider the potential impacts on the environment by the proposed actions by complying with the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations. 

EGS manages the specific plans of our clients in the context of environmental resources and establishes regulatory requirements. Our project team can define objectives, provide documentation assistance, gather community input, offer alternatives and solutions to keep projects in full compliance with environmental regulations, and help you meet your community planning goals.

Environmental documentation may include the performance of environmental screening as part of Feasibility Assessments or preparation of Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impacts Statements (EISs) during Preliminary Design. EGS provides support for actions requiring the preparation of EAs and EISs under the NEPA, as promulgated by the CEQ published in 40 CFR 1500-1508. The performance of analyses for environmental planning include:

  • Comprehensive Inventory of existing conditions including vegetation and wildlife, wetlands, endangered and threatened species, water resources, air quality and noise, soils and geology, hazardous waste, cultural resources, navigation, coastal zones, socioeconomic resources, parks, and recreational facilities, and environmental justice.
  • Analysis of the impact that project alternatives and /or the selected plan will have on these various environmental resources.
  • Description of measures that will be taken to minimize the impact of development on these environmental factors.

Our services include:

  • Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
  • Environmental Assessments (EAs)
  • Public involvement and outreach
  • Air quality and noise
  • Socioeconomic studies
  • 401 water quality certification
  • 404 CWA permitting
  • Watershed plans
  • Land use and recreation plans
  • Wetland mitigation
  • Feasibility studies
  • NEPA administrative records

Environmental concerns may be as important as those transactions as property appraisals, title issues, financing, and other traditional real estate concerns. Congress enacted Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLA makes the landowners potentially liable for cleanup if their properties contain hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants regardless of whether those substances were generated on-site or migrated on-site. For the buyer, seller, lender, insurer, an environmental audit prior to the property transfer can identify these potential problems and assess the extent of liability of everyone involved. Full disclosure of environmental, health, and safety problems prior to closing is commonly considered a due diligence requirement, and it is a critical element of compliance with CERCLA.

EGS’s services include:

EGS’s other services include the following:

  • Wetland Delineation & Ecology
  • Site Feasibility Analysis
  • Indoor Air Assessments