Site Characterization

EGS’s personnel are specialized in Site Characterization, Site Investigation (SI), Remedial Investigation (RI), Remedial Action (RA), and advising clients on the most cost-effective approach for regulatory compliance. EGS offers services related to the investigation of soil and groundwater contamination, and pollution of surface waters.

Our qualified water resources experts, scientists, and engineers conduct comprehensive water quality, ecological, soil, and groundwater investigations related to surface and subsurface hazardous wastes, chemical contamination, and pollution.

Site Characterization and Assessment includes:

  • Geophysical Surveys (e.g., Ground Penetrating Radar)
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  • Soil Boring Installation
  • Monitoring Well Installation
  • Soil Sampling
  • Groundwater Sampling
  • Sediments Sampling
  • Surface Water Sampling
  • Air Sampling
  • Vapor Intrusion Assessments
  • Sensitive Receptor Evaluation
  • Contaminant Pathway Evaluations
  • Fate and Transport Evaluations
  • Numerical Groundwater Modeling
  • Risk Assessment
  • Natural Attenuation and Groundwater Monitoring

EGS provides the following services associated with the hazardous substance, contamination, and pollution:

  • Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) or Audits
  • Preliminary Assessments (PAs)
  • ISRA and SRRA Compliance
  • Brownfield Redevelopment
  • Underground Storage or Oil Tank (UST) testing, removal, and subsurface evaluation
  • Soil Sampling, Investigation, and Remediation
  • Groundwater Sampling, Investigation, and Remediation
  • Potable Well Search and Water Assessment
  • Water Quality/Pollutions Studies of Surface Waters
  • Classification Exception Area (CEA) Establishment
  • Biennial Certification/Submission
  • Baseline Ecological Evaluation
  • Indoor and Outdoor Air Sampling and Analysis
  • Asbestos, Lead, Mold and Radon Testing, and Abatement
  • Response Action Outcome (RAO) and/or No Further Action (NFA) Letter (UHOT)
  • Permitting and Enforcement Action Resolution
  • Construction Support and Monitoring
  • Health and Safety Plans
  • Remedial Investigation & Feasibility Study(RI/FS)
  • Remedial Design and Remedial Action (RA)
  • Vapor Intrusion Investigations & Remediation
  • Contaminant Fate and Transport (Groundwater Numerical Modeling)
  • Remedial Cleanup Cost Estimates
  • Prepare and Submit Technical Report for Final Determination.