Sustainability & Energy Audits Services

EGS provides energy and sustainability consulting services including:

  • U.S.Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Consulting
  • Energy Audits
  • Thermal Imaging
  • Building Shell Air Infiltration Testing (Blower Door Testing)

The green building certification approach used by the USGBC and its LEED rating system requires documenting credit or managing the entire process. Each rating system follows a similar structure with green building strategies divided into the following categories:

  • Sustainable Sites;
  • Water Efficiency;
  • Energy and Atmosphere;
  • Materials and Resources;
  • Indoor Environmental Quality; and
  • Innovation in Design.

EGS will help you to obtain LEED and green building certification goals by assisting in any of the following:

  • Sustainable site selection and planning;
  • Document specific credits or the entire LEED project;
  • LEED Project Management;
  • Coordinate LEED team and documentation efforts;
  • Submit LEED documentation to the USGBC; and
  • Coordinate in obtaining green building certification.

Energy Audits

EGS provides energy auditing services by qualified Building Performance Institute (BPI) Analysts and Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rates. The purpose of the energy audit is to identify Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) that allow property owners to make informed decisions within the shortest payback period of the implemented ECM.

Energy auditing services provide an analysis of the property’s energy usage, its building systems, operating conditions that can cause excessive energy use. Accurate assessment will help to offer cost-effective solutions to implement the energy efficiency measures.

As part of energy auditing, an infrared thermal imaging instrument will be used to discover problems in building systems and structures, including air infiltration, moisture intrusion, missing insulation, and construction defects.

EGS uses infrared imaging technology along with building shell pressurization (Blower Door) testing to help optimize thermal envelopes for high-performance green buildings.